Non-Thai nationals who have a work permit or have been granted permission to work in Thailand including their spouses or children

Non-Thai nationals who have a work permit or have been granted permission to work in Thailand including their spouses or children

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 Dec 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Sep 2022

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Non-Thai nationals who have a work permit or have been granted permission to work in Thailand including their spouses or children


Purpose of Visit:

Applicants who work in Thailand.  (Working) 
Applicants who work as teacher. (Teaching)

The applicant who does not have a valid visa or re-entry permit must apply for a visa by: 
1) complete the Online e-Visa Application “Click here”; and
2) upload the following documents in PDF format :  

        1.  Two passport-size photographs (2″x2″ – JPEG format) 
             Photographs must have a light color background with a full- face view of the person
             without wearing a hat or dark glasses and covering up shoulders.
             Photos must be taken within 6 months. (photocopy or photo taken from Photostat will not be accepted).

       2.  A copy of Passport (must not expire within 6 months) 

       3.  A copy of flight confirmation/ reservation, showing going from US to Thailand.  
            (The name of the applicant must indicated clearly) 

       4.   A copy of recent bank statement  ($700 per person or $1,500 per family) 
             (The name of the applicant must indicated clearly), 
             In case of submitting family bank statement a proof of relationship. 
             (i.e. birth certificate, marriage certificate) must be provided.     

       5.  Hotel booking and/or accomodation arrangements.

       6.  For working  (Non – B) 
            6.1  Copy of valid Work Permit / WP3 letter from Ministry of Labor, Thailand. 
                   To obtain this letter, the company in Thailand is required to submit Application Form for WP3
                   at the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labor. 
            6.2  Letter of invitation or acceptance from the concerned companies/ organizations. 
            6.3  Letter from applicant’s company indicating the applicant’s position, length of employment,
                   salary, purpose of visit(s) to Thailand and length of stay in Thailand. 
            6.4  Corporate documents of associated partners/ companies in Thailand as:
                   6.4.1  Business registration and business license
                   6.4.2  List of shareholders
                   6.4.3  Company profile

       7.  For teaching  (Non – B) 
            7.1 Copy of valid Work Permit / WP3 letter from Ministry of Labor, Thailand. 
                  To obtain this letter, the company in Thailand is required to submit Application Form for WP3
                   at the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labor. 
            7.2  An original letter of acceptance from an institute school in Thailand.
            7.3  Evidence of educational qualification such as a copy of diplomas /
                   teaching certification or copies of transcript. 
            7.4  A copy of school (in Thailand) license or business registration, list of shareholders and school profile.
            7.5  Resume of applicant.
            7.6  An original letter of verification stating that the applicant has no criminal record/
                   background check.  (verification have to valid for not more than three months and
                   must be issued from a state or Federal Bureau of Investigation only.
                   Online criminal record without authorizer’s signature is unacceptable )

        7.  For working (Non – IB) 
            7.1  A letter from Board of Investment (BOI), Thailand. 
                   To obtain this letter, the company in Thailand is required to contact Board of Investment (BOI)  
            7.2  Letter from applicant’s company indicating the applicant’s position, length of employment, 
                   salary, purpose of visit(s) to Thailand and length of stay in Thailand.
            7.3  Corporate documents of associated partners/ companies in Thailand as:
                   7.3.1  Business registration and business license
                   7.3.2  List of shareholders

        8.  For non-US citizen, a copy of permanent resident card or a copy of valid US visa with 
              a letter proof of employment.                     

        Additional information on the other required document, please click here. 

        Please note : Consular officers reserve the right to request additional documents
                             as deemed necessary and also reserve the right to reject any application
                             without having to provide reason.

        Processing time : minimum 15 business days

              Fee   – $80    for single entry (3 months)   — > for NON – B / NON – IB                   
                       – $200  for multiple entries  (1 year) — > for NON – IB 

        To remind : Your visa request may be denied when:
                           (1) upload unprepared documents and photo;
                           (2) information uploaded does not meet requirement; and
                           (3) applying for wrong visa.
                           (4) input incorrect information
                           (5) applying from outside consulate's jurisdiction