Thai and international students enjoy creating Thai marzipans at UCLA

Thai and international students enjoy creating Thai marzipans at UCLA

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 7 Jun 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 7 Jun 2023

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On 3 June 2023, the Royal Thai Consulate-General, Los Angeles, together with UCLA Herb Alpert School of music, organized the “Thai Spring Dessert Workshop” at Courtyard of Schoenberg Hall Building, to provide learning experience on making Thai desserts and getting to know food products from Thailand to the young generation (Gen-Z), as a part of the project “Thai Kitchen to the World”.
At the event, the Thai Consulate arranged an activity “Create Your Own Thai Marzipans” to provide information on history, tradition, and ingredients of Thai dessert, as well as allow over than 130 Thai and international youths and students to have hands-on and fun experience in creating their own version of Thai marzipan. Moreover, the participants got a chance to win gift cards of Thai SELECT restaurants by posting their Thai marzipan photos in social media.
The activity “Thai Spring Dessert Workshop” is a part of the Thai Consulate’s endeavor “Thai Kitchen to the World” which aims to promote Thai food and Thai cooking among young generation (Gen-Z) in the US. According to market researches, Gen Zers tend to be open-minded, be able to accept different culture easier comparing to the other generations, be most influential to family members in making decision for household shopping options, and also becoming one of the significant potential markets in the near future.

